Cope: A UCSF Coping and Resilience program for UCSF faculty, staff and trainees at all UCSF sites
In collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry and the Center for Digital Health Innovation/Digital Patient Experience/IT, Human Resources announces COPE, a new program designed for UCSF faculty, staff and trainees to provide additional support to our valued colleagues who are experiencing anxiety, stress and distress related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on their work and family life.
After completing a brief online screening, COPE provides information about web-based resilience self-tools which include online resources, self-care apps and webinars.
If you request person-to-person contact through the tool, you will be provided information on how to schedule an appointment for further assessment and treatment with a UCSF Langley Porter specialist or information on how to access a non-UCSF provider if you prefer.
If you would like help with substance use, you will be connected with Bright Heart Health, a telehealth treatment program not affiliated with UCSF.
Find additional information on the UCSF Novel Coronavirus site.
Access UCSF Cope or text COPE to 839-73.