PSA General Meeting

Would you like to get more involved & help us to build a stronger community among UCSF postdocs? Join us for the PSA General Meeting which is open to the entire Postdoc community at UCSF!

You get the chance to meet current board members as well as other postdocs. This is our monthly platform for postocs to share ideas for postdocs initiatives, bring up concerns, ask questions, etc. If you are committed to serve on the board and lead in a specific role (there is always roles we need to fill!), we will officially welcome new board members during this meeting as well.

Details: 1st Monday of the month, 1:30 - 2 pm. If a holiday, this meeting will be held the following day (Tuesday). A reminder for this meeting will be sent out to all post docs the prior week. The default ZOOM link is:


Slack is used to communicate with Postdocs in specific buildings or across campuses. You can subscribe yourself with your email address: UCSF-PSA Slack


Follow us on Twitter @PostdocsUCSF for news and views on issues relevant to postdoc life at UCSF.


Follow us @postdocsucsf for the official 'gram of the UCSF Postdoctoral Scholars Association.


Check out our Facebook page for more informal connecting and communicating. Share your ideas for activities, look for housing, etc: PSA at UCSF Facebook and Bay Area Postdocs (BAPS) Facebook page


Postdoc Community @ UCSF Linkedin Group, a central hub for the Postdoc Community at UCSF. Please join, get in touch with colleagues at UCSF, and share your experiences and ideas.

Mailing lists

To stay up-to-date with your postdoc community, make sure to subscribe to the various email lists below. Any PSA community event will be announced via PSALIST.

If you subscribed, but still not getting emails: Check your 'Other' (next to 'Focused') inbox in Outlook, too, since emails may land there. If you still encounter issues, get in touch with us so we can troubleshoot further. 

If you wish to communicate something with the entire postdoc community at UCSF, you may send an email through these lists yourself as appropriate. Any outgoing email will be approved by the postdoc office at UCSF before it will be forwarded to any subscriber. Thus, you may experience a short delay before seeing an email that you sent in your inbox.

Manage your listserv subscriptions

Reagents, Protocols, and Resources

Description: Use this list to post informal community messages and requests. Examples include:

  • Requests for reagents or equipment
  • Seeking advice on experiments or protocols
  • Sharing resources (social, housing, community, research) with other UCSF postdocs

List address: PSANET at

Community-Building Events, Job Listings, and Announcements

Description: Use this list to share opportunities for postdocs, market community-building activities, and share postdoc accomplishments. Examples include:

  • Sharing job opportunities
  • Advertising postdoc accomplishments
  • Marketing social campus events that include UCSF postdocs

List address: PSALIST at

Seminars and Events for Postdocs

Description: Use this list to announce scholarly seminars, workshops, and conferences for postdocs. Examples include:

  • Departmental and scholarly seminars
  • Professional development workshops
  • Conferences inviting UCSF postdoc applications

List address: POSTDOCSEMINAR at

Funding Opportunities for Postdocs

Description: Use this list to share fellowship and funding opportunities for postdocs. Examples include:

  • Postdoctoral fellowship opportunities
  • Grant announcements inviting applications from UCSF postdocs

List address: POSTDOCFUNDING at