The UC Libraries and Academic Senate Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC) are co-sponsoring a short 3-minute poll * (requires UCSF authentication) to gauge the impact on loss of access to current Elsevier content via the ScienceDirect platform on the UC community. We very much want to hear from you, even if you feel you are not significantly affected by the Elsevier situation. All questions are optional and no personally identifiable information is required. The poll will close February 29.
Background for the poll
In early 2019, UC broke off its negotiations with Elsevier when the scholarly journal publisher indicated that it was unwilling to meet UC’s goals of cost containment and open access publishing of UC research (more details). Elsevier discontinued access to its 2019 and later journal content through the ScienceDirect platform on July 10, and since then the UCSF Library has been providing a range of options for access.
See a January 2020 announcement about UC’s plans to resume discussions with Elsevier, and see all Elsevier news from the Library. The UCSF Library is committed to supporting all faculty, researchers and students in getting the articles they need as the UC Libraries continue to work toward a negotiated solution with Elsevier that meets UC’s goals. Contact us if you have any questions.
* Note that some Safari users have reported problems accessing the survey. Please use other browsers instead.