Announcing the CCMBM Junior Investigator Travel Awards for Fall 2019

Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology & Medicine Junior Investigator Travel Award

The Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology & Medicine (CCMBM) defines itself by emphasizing
musculoskeletal-specific education and services that are critical to its members but not available
elsewhere in the university system. The Center’s goal is to stimulate and support transdisciplinary
collaborations to accelerate translational research in the musculoskeletal field. Interdisciplinary
networking also enhances research productivity and, at the same time, reinforces a sense of scientific
community. Interactions within this framework create significant potential for new research
collaborations that lead to clinically significant discoveries and promote the careers of trainees supported
by the Center.

Up to $400 for economy airfare​

Key Dates
·  Rolling application with November 15, 2019 as the final deadline
·  Travel must occur before December 1, 2019 

The Travel Award application may be found here –

Applicants must be CCMBM members -

The goal of this funding opportunity is to support trainees’ attendance to conferences that will further their career goals. The award is particularly designed to encourage travel to a conference where the trainee may not be presenting an abstract, but where interactions with other attendees and participation in conference activities can serve as a springboard for trainees to transition to the next stages in their scientific careers. 

Please contact Neha Dole if you have any questions.