Conflict Happens . . . Now what?
Skills for Addressing Workplace Conflict
In celebration of National Ombuds Day
Please join us as the UCSF Office of the Ombuds celebrates National Ombuds Day 2019 by offering a lively lunch time presentation at three UCSF campus locations throughout the week of Ombuds Day.
We will present tips and share effective strategies that you can use to address conflict situations at work.
3 Sessions, 12:00 – 1:00pm:
Monday, October 7
Parnassus, N-721
Rita Callahan, MS, CO-OP
Wednesday, October 9
Mission Bay, MH-1407
Jeff Anderson, JD, MDR, CO-OP
Friday, October 11
Laurel Heights, LHts-376
Jeff Anderson, JD, MDR, CO-OP
*Light refreshments will be served
(These sessions will not be available via Zoom)
PLEASE RSVP to: [email protected], indicating which session you plan to attend.
Phone: (415) 502-9600.